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The Amazing Health Benefits of the Kumquat
The kumquat is a remarkable food that originates from China but is now grown in the warmer states of the USA and Israel. Kumquat means golden orange...
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Snacking the Healthy Way!
Don’t snack between meals! I remember as a kid constantly being told not to snack or I wouldn’t eat my supper. I tell my kids not to snack too close...
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What On Earth Do You Do With A Kumquat?
They look so pretty growing on their little trees in China or warm climates such as the USA and Israel. Kumquats to most people are an absolute...
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Pasta Doesn’t Just Have to be Italian!
Fettuccine, penne, spaghetti, lasagna, and the list goes on. There are approximately 350 different varieties of pasta around the world. The basic...
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