About Us
Nave HaTavlin specialises in the development, production and marketing of high quality spices and seasoning mixtures for the wholesale, hospitality and retail markets as well as the food industry.
Our products are made from natural ingredients without preservatives or MSG and are gluten free.
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Special Products From Nave HaTavlin
Our flagship products are Mediterranean seasoning mixtures. They use the finest raw spices and herbs from around the world, each carefully picked for their unique characteristics and qualities to bring a distinguished, sensual experience into every recipe.
It is our mission to constantly seek out new flavours and the latest food innovations to uphold our vision of encouraging a culinary culture that celebrates the taste of life through our products.
Nave HaTavlin offers their customers a fusion of tradition and technology. Specialised production and packing lines ensure that our products meet the highest quality and freshness standards. Harvesting technology and with years of experience, we are in a perpetual motion to introduce our customers to groundbreaking products in the world of spices and to allow professional chefs and home cooks to elevate their creations by incorporating authentic Mediterranean flavours.
Nave HaTavlin’s plant is located in The Hefer Valley.
Our production plant is regulated by the Ministry of Health and complies with HACCAP and ISO standards and is Kosher certified by Badatz, Jerusalem.
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A Little Bit of History
Nave HaTavlin was established in 2000 by Shlomi Ganish. It began as a small spice plant, which gradually but stably grew. In 2008 after expansion of the production plant and acquisition of an advanced packaging system, Nave HaTavlin expanded their activity to the wholesale market and food industry. By 2020 they moved to an entirely new state of the art facility.

Nave HaTavlin was established
Started to import
Plant expansion & new packaging line
Moved to a new state of the art facility
Nave HaTavlin was established
Plant expansion & new packaging line
Started to import
Moved to a new state of the art facility